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Everything from croissants to engine blocks
Our customers are both large and small companies in many different industries. Below, you can find a selection of the projects on which we have worked. Can't find anything in your field? Contact us, we undoubtedly have something in stock.
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Efficient production and better ergonomics with AGV systems
By implementing the AGV systems, our automotive customer has not only secured its production for future needs, but also optimised material logistics and improved the working environment.
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AGVs increase the production capacity for lithium batteries for forklifts
EA Mobile Robotics has delivered an AGV system to Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden. The AGVs will act as mobile workstations in an assembly line for lithium batteries.
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Self-charging AGVs to Scania’s factories in Sweden and Brazil
EA Mobile Robotics has supplied Scania with a flexible AGV system that recharges continuously. The system, which contains 76 AGVs, was delivered to Scania’s engine factories in Sweden and Brazil.
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The vertical conveyor replacement gave the customer a more reliable plant
On behalf of a customer, Elektroautomatik replaced a vertical conveyor. This has resulted is a safer and more reliable plant.
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Greater traceability with needle embossing of Scania's engine blocks
Scania raised the requirement for traceability of its engine blocks. Elektroautomatik delivered a marking station where the engine blocks are marked using needle embossing.
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Delivery of AGV Solution to American Navistar Inc.
EA Mobile Robotics specializes in AGV systems for assembly lines and logistics, with successful deliveries to American Navistar, enhancing production efficiency
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Contour-navigating AMRs run five-shift at processing plant
EA Mobile Robotics has supplied one customer in the automotive industry with an AMR system consisting of six AMRs.
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New automated AGV system for a world leading manufacturer of industrial equipment
EA Mobile Robotics has supplied a customer with a flexible and fully automated AGV system. The result is more efficient production, with time and cost reductions.
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Lower energy cost with the help of Elektroautomatik
With the help of a conversion of the existing ventilation unit, Elektroautomatik helped to reduce the operating costs for one of its customers. The result had a pay-off of less than one year.
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Shorter lead times and better quality tests at Scania's engine factory
A manual quality test of an engine block used to take 3 hours. Elektroautomatik helped Scania with an automatic solution where each random test now takes 3 minutes.
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